Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Andrew got hurt in the back yard already. He did not catch the ball-his face did. Ouch-The doctor glued it back together again.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Day 5

its getting boring writing a blog but my parents want me to so I'm just going to write a Little one then i will make a slide show. yesterday or on my blog today they put Little trees next to the fence. they also made a wall out of that wood the looks like a banquet, ill show you on the slide show. well that's all they really did yesterday. cya

Friday, May 16, 2008

they said it will be done monday

The gardeners said that the garden will be done on Monday. I sure hope so because i am getting really exited. all of us are, its really cool to watch them build it. once they have the materials they are really fast. they build this whole section really fast. we decided to put a wall in the middle to separate the bottom floor to the top of the yard.

they put it up very fast. after they left we ate dinner on the deck. after that i went and got the tools to start a fire and i made a bad fire. but then i fixed it and it got really big and then i just started blogging. i dont have much to say today but im going to make a slide show ones they are done with the yard. cya:)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The day with no workers

Day 4

today we had no workers, i guess they had the day off. but today when i got home being the piro i am i started my one little fire. then i was told not to and got in trouble. and then we went to the store and bought some fire wood, hot dogs, chocolate, and gramcrakers. then i started a fire and every one was siting by it. we waited until it died. then we started to cook the hot dogs, they were really good. then my dad went inside to try to out blog me. then me my brother and mom started to make smores mmmmmmmmmm good:) not to much happpened to day but it was fun. here are some more of my fammilys blogs. go to . sarchetfamily.blogspot.com. and barnesfamlv.blogspot.com. ill will post some more tommorow bye.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Half way done, almost

Day three

They finished the fire pit today and now they are trying to level out the ground so there can be a upper floor and a bottom floor. when i got home they had put a fence under our deck and it looks good, it even has a door to go under it. They are in the corner trying to make a level ground for a garden. they put three huge boulders facing up wards, like so they can look tall.

On the side closest to the house they finished all the construction on it and it look way cool. there is a bottom level and a top level to it. we will put plant on it. i think they ran out of supplies so they will go home a Little early today. there was a big pile of gravel in our drive way but its all gone. they put all the rocks in the garden. they almost finished for the day. the corner garden look good it just needs some plants now. their making the final changes. they are trying to put the tops on some of the cinder blocks.

well they are going home now and they wont be here tomorrow but i will still blog. cya:)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Another day at the yard

Day two

Today I went to school and when I came back a big truck was out in front of my house there were some other small ones too. When I got in to look out the window I saw no one, because the umbrella for the hot tub was in the way. I went into my parents room to look out the window and there was a fire pit with people putting red bricks around it. Behind him was another man putting cinder blocks around a pile of dirt. The tractor is bringing them blocks, and he's leaving tire tracks every where.

I think that our yard is going to look really good when it's done, because it already looks better. How could it get any worse. I am especially exited for the fire pit because I love burning things and making smores.

Some of my observations: 3 piles of red bricks. there's a tractor up on the small hill. o wait never mind it just got loaded up. they almost finished the fire pit its not that deep.

Well that's all for today I will make one every day until my back yard is done. cya later:) Vincent

Monday, May 12, 2008

Today in my yard

the top one is the after picture of today and the botom is the before picture.


my yard was ugly but now some people came and started to redo my back yard. they came all the way from Mexico, but now they want to help us make are yard. pretty boring just siting in a chair looking and watching them clean up are yard. The garden people had to cut some of my moms tree roots and shes a litle woried.

some of my observations: there's a big tractor thing just siting there looking at me. there's a small tree that is worth 10,000$ pretty cool. theres 2 big mounds of dirt, ones fresh dirt like the dark color and the other is old and it has these huge rocks on it. there is also a pile of cinder blocks and some tools oh wait thers some more cinder blocks hahaha oh also there's some in a line trying to create a retaining wall.
there are alot of birds, every time I turn around there is a bird picking for worms because the soil is very soft right now because it was all just dug up. my parents think it should be a party back yard but i think it would be cool just to have it like a skate park. but im 13 and when i get older I wont really b e able to skate and im still not verry good.
well I hope you enjoy reading my blog I will try to make a new one with uptodate pictures, cya.